Terms and Conditions

  1. The Promoter of the lottery is Waterford GAA, located at Walsh Park, Keane’s Road, Waterford, X91 YT10 (hereinafter referred to as “the Promoter”). Members of the Executive Committee of the Promoter will delegate the organisation and oversight of the lottery to the Commercial Arm of Waterford GAA which includes Members of the Executive Committee of the Promoter.
  2. The purpose of the lottery is to raise funds for the benefit and development of Waterford GAA. The organiser of the lottery shall not derive any personal profit from the lottery.
  3. Members of the Commercial Arm appointed to organise and over-see the lottery together with their partners/spouses are expressly precluded from purchasing a lottery ticket namely:- Pat Flynn, Kieran Geary, Mark Radley, Seamus Kilgannon, George Corbett, Michael Walsh and Eric Furlong.
  4. The licence to operate the draw was issued by Waterford District Court on 14th October 2024 under Section 28 of the Gaming and Lotteries Act 1956.
  5. Membership and entry to the draw can be purchased as a gift for a nominated person strictly provided they are over 18 years of age. In this instance the nominated person and not the purchaser shall be the person entitled to the membership and entry to the draw and the nominated person shall win the prize.
  6. The lottery is open to natural persons aged 18 years or older. Any lottery tickets purchased by non-natural persons or persons under the age of 18 years shall be declared null and void and shall not be included nor deemed to be included in the lottery. Any such lottery ticket entered into the lottery in error or otherwise will be declared invalid and another lottery ticket will be drawn in its place.
  7. By purchasing a ticket, each purchaser becomes a member of “Waterford GAA Supporters Club” which is a Sub-Committee of the promoter for the period from 28tNovember 2024 to 31st August 2025 inclusive. The cost of the membership until 31st August 2025 and entry to the house draw is €100.
  8. The lottery is confined to members of the Waterford GAA Supporters Club who are subject to the rules of Waterford GAA Supporters Club.
  9. By purchasing a lottery ticket, the lottery ticket purchaser is indicating their agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions of purchase. Only those persons who have purchased a lottery ticket(s) are eligible to participate in the lottery.
  10. Each membership shall be entitled to one entry into the house draw raffle.
  11. There is no limit to the number of lottery tickets a person can purchase.
  12. There are a maximim number of lottery tickets available of 20,000 tickets.
  13. The First prize of the raffle is a three-bedroom house, newly built, in the development known as Brookfield , Kilbarry, Waterford City (subject to the conditions below). The house is under construction and is to be completed for handover by in or around the end of August 2025.
  14. These terms and conditions of purchase (and any non-contractual obligations arising or in connection with these terms and conditions of purchase) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland.
  15. Any public notice or announcement about this draw is intended as a notice to members of Waterford GAA Supporters Club and not for the general public.
  16. The draw is fixed for 6th May 2025. The draw will be held at a place and time to be confirmed on www.winahouseinwaterford.com. All members (subject to space) shall be entitled to attend and witness the draw. The draw may be held on an earlier date at the discretion of the Promoter. An extension of up to 60 days later than the above date may also be permitted without cause, but it is intended to have the winner drawn and the property conveyed to the winner by no later than the end of August 2025.
  17. In the event of less than 5,000 (Five thousand) tickets being sold 48 hours prior to the house draw taking place the Promoter reserves the right to cancel the raffle. In that event, a maximum amount of €90.00 per lottery ticket purchased will be refunded to the lottery ticket purchaser or the Promoter may vary the terms of this raffle to limit the ticket entries to 5,000 tickets with the first prize winner receiving a cash prize of €200,000 only.
  18. In the event of more than 5,000 (Five thousand) tickets but less than 8,000 (Eight thousand) tickets being sold 48 hours prior to the house draw taking place the Promoter reserves the right to vary the terms of this raffle to limit the ticket entries to 8,000 tickets with the first prize winner receiving a cash prize of €250,000 only.
  19. The minimum number of Ticket Holders required for the house draw to take place is 8,000 (Eight thousand) (“ the minimum number of Ticket Holders”) . If the minimum number of ticket holders is less than 8,000, 48 hours prior to the house draw taking place, the Draw may be postponed as the Promoter sees fit and arrangements made to fix a new House draw date.
  20. Further prizes and bonus prizes may be added during the period of the sales promotion up to and including the final draw date. This will include “early bird draws” for cash and novelty prizes. Details will be as advertised from time-to-time on www.winahouseinwaterford.com and all members who have purchased prior to any early draw date will be included in each draw thereafter. No “early bird” or ‘bonus draw’ will take place prior to the 26th December 2024.
  21. The Promoter reserves the right to alter or change the lottery draw date and/or the lottery draw time and/or the lottery draw location for any reason whatsoever and in setting an alternative lottery draw date, time and/or location will notify the lottery ticket purchaser as soon as practicable in respect thereof by publishing a notice in this regard on www.winahouseinwaterford.com
  22. The Promoter, its servants, agents, licensees, trustees, committee members, sub-committee members or the organisers of the lottery accepts no responsibility whatsoever whether due to error, omission, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, transmission, interception or communication failure or otherwise, for unreceived, late, missing, incomplete, incorrectly submitted, corrupted or misdirected entries to the lottery.
  23. The Promoter shall enter into a contract with Frisby Homes (“the Builder”) to build the house to a completed finish,. Full specification and features of the completed dwelling are available on the website www.winahouseinwaterford.com
  24. The winner may elect to take a cash sum alternative of €335,000 instead of the house prize which said election must be made by the winner within 14 days of the draw being made.
  25. The winner of the 1st prize in the lottery will be notified by email or letter within 7 days of the lottery draw date and shall be nominated by the Promoter as “the purchaser” for the purpose of the contract for sale/building agreement.
  26. To claim their prize, the prize-winners must contact the Promoter within 7 days by email at secretary.waterford@gaa.ie and/or by post to and/or in-person at the Promoter’s location at Walsh Park, Keane’s Road, Waterford, X91 YT10.
  27. The prize-winners may be subject to verification by the Promoter and their agents. This process may take up to 7 days to complete once the prize-winners have claimed their prize.
  28. The identity and location (town, county, as appropriate) of the winner shall be publicised after the draw date. The winner agrees to the use of his/her name and images that may be taken at the prize-giving/hand-over, in any publicity material. Any personal data relating to the winner or any other entrants will be used solely in accordance with GDPR.
  29. If a prize-winner cannot be contacted via one of the above means of communication or does not claim their prize within 7 days of the notification of same, the Promoter reserves the right to withdraw the prize from the prize-winner and select a replacement prize-winner.
  30. The first prize winner accepts that, provided the builder performs to his contracted obligations, he/she shall have no claims as to the terms of such contract, and accepts that his/her rights are limited to those rights under the contract for sale/ building contract, such rights as will be assigned to the winner within 28 days of the draw date.
  31. The promoter, its servants, agents, licensees, trustees, committee members, sub-committee members or the organisers of the lottery shall not in any circumstances be liable for any loss suffered due to any issues or delays in the construction of the house and the winner accepts that once nominated by the promoter as provided for above, the Promoter shall have no further or other responsibility or liability to the winner save for payment of the full purchase and
    building contract price.
  32. The obligations under the contract, including but not limited to the requirement for the winner to become a member of the management company of the estate, and contribute his/her equitable share of the annual service charges fee, shall become the obligations of the winner on becoming owner of the house.
  33. Neither the Promoter nor the Builder can give any assurance as to any variation in the value of the house at the time of the draw.
  34. Conveyancing and registration of the property shall be arranged between the solicitor for the Builder and a solicitor to be arranged by and on behalf of the winner. The winner is responsible for his/her own legal fees and any costs of registration of the property, including any stamp duty, land registry fees, searches or other fees or charges.
  35. If the 1st prize winner of the Property does not appoint a solicitor and take steps within 28 days of claiming the prize to effect the assignment of the contract and the transfer of the legal title of the property to them and in any event enter into a Deed of Transfer to so transfer the Property within six months from the date of claiming the prize the Promoter reserves the right to withdraw the prize and select a replacement winner.
  36. Membership is open to all persons over 18 years of age. Memberships are sold in Ireland, under Irish Law and in accordance with the licence held by the Promoter and any regulations in place in Ireland, and provided that they are permitted to do so in their home jurisdiction, memberships can be bought from any location worldwide.
  37. Memberships cannot be refunded once purchased. However, should the draw not take place for any reason, whether by force-majeure or otherwise the organising committee reserve the right to re-schedule or cancel the draw in it’s entirety. In the event of cancellation, a maximum amount of €90.00 per ticket purchased will be refunded to the lottery ticket purchaser. The cancellation or any amendment to the lottery or these terms and conditions of purchase will be notified to the lottery ticket purchaser as soon as practicable in respect thereof by publishing a notice in this regard on www.winahouseinwaterford.com
  38. No responsibility can be accepted for entries or payments not received for whatever reason. Purchasers shall receive a confirmation of purchase and a ticket number between 1-20,000 within 48 hours of purchasing their membership, which confirms their membership and inclusion in the draw. Should any error occur in the processing of payment subsequent to the issuing of the ticket number, the purchaser shall be contacted by e-mail to advise if the transaction has been voided.
  39. The promoter, its servants, agents, licensees, trustees, committee members, sub-committee members or the organisers of the lottery reserve the right to cancel or amend the competition and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of any unforeseen circumstances or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the Organiser’s control.
  40. The operation of the draw, it’s implementation, conduct and verification and the conduct of the selection of the winning ticket on the draw date shall be independently observed and scrutinised by an audit committee led by Martin Freyne (Formerly of PWC). The draw will be held in public and members who have purchased a ticket shall be welcome to attend and observe the draw live.
  41. By purchasing a ticket, the member whether the purchaser or the person nominated as the ticket holder is confirming his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  42. If the gift section (either on a hard ticket or online) is complete, the person nominated as the gift receiver shall be the name entered into the draw. This gift recipient, should they be successful in the draw will be the sole owner of the ticket and the prize.
  43. For the purposes of data protection legislation:
  • The Promoter will retain and use the lottery ticket purchaser’s personal data for the duration of the lottery and a reasonable period thereafter for further promotional activities
    of Waterford GAA Supporters Club;
  • On purchasing a lottery ticket, the lottery ticket purchaser agrees to the use of their details being used in connection with the lottery and future promotional activities of Waterford GAA Supporters Club. Personal data of any kind will not be disclosed to a third party without the lottery ticket purchaser’s consent;
  • The prize-winners hereby agree and consent to the use of their personal data and/or image being released in publicity material in conjunction with the lottery;
  • The 1st prize winner of the Property also agrees and consents to their personal data being released to relevant third parties to effect the transfer of the Property to them.
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